Week 14 of Your Pregnancy
Now you’re feeling more energetic, doing more physical activity will help keep you in shape for your pregnancy. Exercising will prevent you from putting on too much weight and is also good for your mood.
Your Body at Week 14 of Your Pregnancy
Stuffy Nose
Many women have stuffy nose during their pregnancy and this is again due to hormones and increased blood volume. But, if you have a fever, coughing, sore throat, then it's probably a cold or another infection. Talk to your doctor, and eat foods high in vitamin C.
Appetite and Food Cravings
During the second trimester most women find relief from nausea and food aversions and start to feel like to eat, finally. This is a good thing.
Heartburn and Indigestion
If you’ve got a burning sensation from the depths of your stomach to your mouth after you eat, then you’ve got pregnancy-induced indigestion and heartburn. Avoid heartburn triggers like spicy or fatty foods and caffeinated drinks and ask your doctor about pregnancy-safe heartburn remedies.
Decreasing Fatigue
Your body has kind of adjusted to your pregnancy, and you may start to feel less tired and more energetic.
Breast Growth
While your breasts are still growing and changing — for instance, your areolas are probably darker and your nipples may be on “high alert” — they may not feel as achy as they did in your first trimester.
Hormones relax your bowel muscles, so they are not that efficient in moving the waste products out from your body. Add high-fiber foods to your diet, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with plenty of fluids, too.
Visible Veins
You may notice veins crisscrossing their way across your belly and breasts, this is due to increased blood supply. These veins are doing the important work of taking nutrients and blood to your baby. They will gradually disappear.
Your Baby at Week 14 of Your Pregnancy
How big is my baby?
By 14 weeks, your baby weighs about 45g and is about 11cm long – the size of a lemon. Its organs have formed, including the ovaries and testicles.
The face is becoming more recognisable, with a longer neck and fully developed eyes, which are covered by fused eyelids. The fingers and toes are growing nails.
The baby’s reflexes have started working – if you were to touch their hands or feet, they would curl or close. You can’t feel it yet, but the baby is moving around. The vocal cords are working and the baby can cry.
Your Baby is making faces
Thanks to brain impulses, your baby's facial muscles are getting a workout. Those tiny features can squint, frown, and grimace. Your baby is also making sucking and chewing movements.
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